Selected Articles:
- "Bābā Nānak's Protest against Bhaktī." The Power of Bhakti, edited by J.S. Hawley, et al. Seattle: University of Washington Press (Forthcoming)
- “Bābā Nānak and the Founding of the Sikh Panth.” Brill’s Encyclopedia of Sikhism. Leiden: E.J. Brill (2016).
- "Gurū Nānak’s Life and Legacy: An Appraisal." Punjab Reconsidered: History, Culture, and Practice , edited by A. Malhotra and F. Mir. New Delhi: OUP, pp.116-160 (2012)
- "Sources for the Study of Gurū Gobind Singh's Life and Times." Journal of Punjab Studies 15:1-2, pp. 229-284 (2008).
- "Sri Gur Panth Prakash: Its Text, Context, and Significance." Journal of Sikh and Punjab Studies 23:1-2, pp. 15-56 (2016).
- “The Sikh Panth.” In Religion in the Modern World edited by L. Woodhead, C. Partridge, and H. Kawanami. London: Routledge, pp. 113-141 (2016).
- "Conversion to Sikhism." In Oxford Handbook on Religious Conversion, edited by L. Rambo and C. Farhadian. New York: OUP, pp. 488-507 (2013).
- "Teaching of Punjabi in the United States: Present Situation and Future Prospects." Journal of Punjab Studies 14:2, pp. 281-294 (2007)
- With J. S. Hawley, "Mirabai in the Pothi Prem Ambodh." Journal of Punjab Studies 15:1-2, pp. 199-225 (2008).
- With Ami P. Shah, “Sikhism.” In The Norton Anthology of World Religions. (2016).